Discover the brands from our complementary activities linked to metallic or composite surfaces:

  • Surface Protection, Surface Treatment and Coatings
  • Non Destructive Testing
  • Disinfection
  • Shims

SOCOMORE Group is an expert in specialty chemicals. Thanks to its external growth strategy, partnerships and R&D investments, SOCOMORE is now able to offer a full range of high-value solutions to its worldwide customers.

Browse below for SOCOMORE’s major brands, listed in alphabetical order, and access all the products related to them.

  1. 0-9
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. E
  7. F
  8. G
  9. H
  10. I
  11. J
  12. K
  13. L
  14. M
  15. N
  16. O
  17. P
  18. Q
  19. R
  20. S
  21. T
  22. U
  23. V
  24. W
  25. X
  26. Y
  27. Z

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