Dear Partners and Collaborators,
It is essential for us to share with you our commitment to a responsible approach. Socomore's CSR report illustrates our dedication to combining economic performance, respect for health and the environment, and social well-being. At Socomore, we firmly believe that our responsibility goes beyond our daily operations and also encompasses our impact on society and the planet.
This report demonstrates our desire to be transparent and keep you informed about our ongoing efforts to build a more sustainable future. We believe that corporate social responsibility is a path to innovation, growth and a more equitable society.
Thanks to your support and collaboration, we are moving forward together towards this promising horizon. The essential thing is to continue with this impetus and energy, in collaboration with all our stakeholders, in order to make progress and continue to be a legitimate and responsible player in the face of the challenges we all have to face together, now and in the future.
We recognize the transition from a world characterized by abundance to one marked by scarcity, and it is imperative that we intensify our efforts to preserve our resources (material and human) by adopting a more economical and responsible approach to consumption.
The competitiveness of tomorrow's Socomore will depend on our ability to reduce our impact at every level of our organization, and to mobilize all our teams and partners in support of this objective. Thanks to everyone's collective efforts, we have defined our Raison d'être* in 2022. An achievement of which we can be proud, and which has been fully supported and recognized by our network.
*Raison d'être = our purpose

The 6 sharing commitments

Health and Environmental
Reduce the health and environmental impact of our products
Reduce the health and environmental impact of our processes and activities

Promote the involvement of our employees in local community projects.
Take action for quality of life at work

Build partnerships with all stakeholders
Share the added value created by the company
Since it was founded in 1972, SOCOMORE has always sought to make a positive impact on its stakeholders. In recent years, building on strong growth and driven by its exceptional commitment, SOCOMORE has striven to place sharing at the heart of its growth. Referred to as the SOCOWAY, this approach is reflected in the belief that sharing SOCOMORE’s added value activates a virtuous circle that enables the creation of new financial, social, societal, and innovation assets.
On an everyday basis, the SOCOWAY manifests itself in our culture, our operations, and the connections we forge with our employees and ecosystems. In concrete terms, it is reflected in the creation of the Aerochemicals alliance, for example, and the birth of Socopolis. The SOCOWAY also involves developing employee shareholding, supporting our staff’s humanitarian, sporting, or cultural endeavors, and hosting start-ups in some of our offices. The SOCOWAY also concerns our methods for sharing the value we create. We are doing this through a Profit Sharing Group, staff co-ownership of SOCOPOLIS SAS, and our drive to extend employee shareholding where feasible (without undue complexity given our size). The SOCOWAY is strengthened by its diversity and is our method of ceaselessly reinventing so that, together, we can build the SOCOMORE of tomorrow.
SOCOMORE’s employees are the primary actors of the SOCOWAY. We encourage them to deploy and spread this spirit across all subsidiaries of the SOCOMORE group, since it is only through the mobilization of each and every one of us that we will achieve our ambitions as responsible chemists.