Description | HYSO 97/1 is a solvent preparation made from components excluding benzole products, trichlorethylene or perchlorethylene. This degreaser offers the advantages of chlorinated or aromatic solvents without the inconvenience(odour, toxicity) : non-aggressive on materials and quick evaporation. The flash point is stable in time and remains constant throughout the evaporation period. |
Technical Data Sheet | hyso_97_1_TDS_english.pdf (233.50kB) hyso_97_1_TDS_french.pdf (233.76kB) hyso_97_1_TDS_spanish.pdf (233.50kB) |
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) | hyso_97_1-sds-chinese-gbt-china.pdf (214.40kB) hyso_97_1-sds-english-ghs-un.pdf (122.10kB) hyso_97_1_SDS_english-HAZCOM-NA.pdf (104.57kB) |
Approvals |
Marketing resources | Marine-market_brochure_english.pdf (789.48kB) VOC-reduction_brochure_chinese.pdf (1.41MB) VOC-reduction_brochure_english.pdf (917.35kB) VOC-reduction_brochure_french.pdf (868.75kB) |