SOCOCLEAN EXTERIOR AIRCRAFT CLEANER is a cleaner for aircraft exterior surfaces.
It is 100% plant-based actives (100% of the ingredients are derived from renewable resources), free of petroleum derivatives or chemical additives which offers an ultimate biodegradability on 100% of the formula. It is intended for the cleaning of aircraft exteriors (fuselage, landing gear…) and is usable on following surfaces/materials:
- Metallic painted and unpainted surfaces
- All metals, glasses and paints, composites, plastic materials, acrylic plastics. May be used on all surfaces without risk of attack or corrosion.
Key benefits
- 100% plant-based
- Ultimate biodegradability of 100 % of the formula
- Zero VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds).
- Zero hazard identification in terms of toxicity and ecotoxicity.
- No health hazard - no Personal Protective Equipment needed.
- No fire hazard associated with its use – non-flammable product.
- No transportation constraints.
- Manually, by wiping with a mop or by brushing
- With the robotic AEROWASH washing solution
- With a high pressure system with hot or cold water
Directions for use
SOCOCLEAN EXTERIOR AIRCRAFT CLEANER is used diluted at ambient temperature (from 10% (w/w) with clean water, up to 100% depending on soiling level).
Ideally, it can be applied manually with a microfiber mopping pad or with AEROWASH robotic washing solution:
For a manual application with a microfiber mopping pad:
1. Dilute the product from 10% (w/w) with clean water, up to 100% (depending on soiling level)
2. Spray the product directly on the surface or pour onto a microfiber mop, and then apply to
the surface
3. Let stand for 1 minute (Do not let dry)
4. Dry wipe with a clean/dry soft microfiber
5. Do not let the product dry without wiping
For an application with AEROWASH robotic washing solution:
- Fill the AW robot with pure product
- Place AW robot next to the aircraft in DRY WASH washing position
- Select the washing program from the operating panel depending on the aircraft model
- Apply dry wash fluid on the brush before washing
- Wash the fuselage with AW robot
- Some critical areas can’t be washed with AW robot so wash them manually.

If you need more details or support on AW robot, please contact AEROWASH.