SOCOSOLV 96 is a solvent compound with high flash point and controlled volatility. It is free of chlorinated or benzene solvents, ethylene glycols and fluorinated compounds.
- Compared to other non chlorinated solvents, SOCOSOLV 96 has an accelerated drying speed.Many solvents with the same flash point (60 °C) evaporate at half the rate of SOCOSOLV 96.
- Dissolves agglomerated greases and soils such as gums, cutting oils, oily, greasy, or wax-like temporary protective coatings and paraffins.
- Easy to use by spraying or by dipping with low losses by evaporation. Slight odour for better comfort of the operators. Dielectric solvent for soft cleaning of plastic, cable sleeves, electronical equipment.
- Air safety and saving: as losses by evaporation are moderate, only the necessary quantity of solvent is needed for degreasing.