Our strategy
Our CSR policy, called SOCOWAY, was born with SOCO2024 strategy. Its signature “Sharing creates value” inspired our raison d'être: "Together we create innovative chemistry to protect and preserve our world", which in turn inspired our SOCO2030 strategic plan.
As a result, “Sharing creates value” is now at the heart of our strategic plan. The associated goals and resources are highly ambitious in all areas.
We are counting on everyone's mobilization to ensure that the trajectory initiated by 2030 collectively enables us to achieve and make possible our decarbonization and impact reduction goals by 2040 and 2050.
To know more, download the document.
To achieve this, we will continue to rely on our 5 operating principles:
SOCOWAY, our CSR* policy
Our CSR policy, the Socoway, has strongly influenced our 6 strategic challenges using the same motto: sharing creates value.
Socoway is now becoming our 5th operational principle. It is structured around 6 engagements:
- Build partnerships with all stakeholders,
- Share the added value created by the company,
- Reduce the impact of our products on health and the environment,
- Reduce the impact of our activities and processes on health and the environment,
- Take action for quality of life at work,
- Promote the involvement of our employees in local community projects.
Strengthening customer relationships:
- Being closely connected to their daily activities to understand and contribute to the success of their challenges.
- Driving the development of our products in line with customer innovations.
- Offering more flyable products to provide a complete surface solution (preparation, treatment, testing, protection, assembly). We are « The Surface Company ».
- Providing qualified solutions, offering simplicity and economies of scale to the supply chain while addressing the complete product lifecycle of the customer.
- Meeting the functional, environmental, and economic requirements of our customers.
- Innovating beyond products.
As a reliable developer/manufacturer, we provide our customers with robust solutions through:
- Stable formulations,
- Controlled sourcing,
- Rigorously managed processes,
- Industrial derisking,
- Operational performance (safety, quality, lead times, costs).
- Ensuring the continuity of our acquisition activities during the transition period,
- Enriching and complementing the group’s skills with talent from our acquisitions.
- Improving the economic performance,
- Compliance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
External relations:
- Strengthen the accessibility of our offering: provide the right information to the right person at the right time to make the right decision.
- Make cybersecurity a priority of our digitization efforts.
- Develop more digital interactions with all stakeholders.
- Strengthen our ability to orchestrate a global group with multiple subsidiaries while maintaining flexibility and responsiveness.
- Offer all our employees similar access and experience, regardless of their location.
- Efficiently manage data across group entities through unified databases.
- Implement new tools to focus on value-added tasks and improve collaboration.
As an adaptive organization compatible with evolving customer expectations and a growing multipolar business, we aim to:
- Innovate through open collaboration:
- Build multifaceted partnerships with customers, colleagues, suppliers, research institutes, in all areas (applications, products, supply chain, operations, HR, IT, finance, etc.).
- Make acquisitions that bring technological bricks in service of the low impact economy and the consolidation of aero chemistry for critical applications.
- Seek to license our own technological bricks and look for licenses to complement our own product ranges.
- Remember that innovation is not only about product and process but also about boosting innovation in all areas (finance, HR, IT, operations, supply chain, digital, etc.).
- Contribute to the transformation plan:
- Prioritize the use of bio-sourced, low carbon, and low labeling raw materials.
- Open a technology platform with all the techno bricks around the surface.
- Invest in and cooperate with those who want to disrupt us and connect us to low impact markets.
Our strategic challenges
Our teams are mobilised to meet the 6 strategic challenges that will guide our day-to-day actions:
Cooperate with our ecosystem for a chemistry serving a sustainable world while ensuring our economic development.
- Further connect our organisation to our 360° ecosystem.
- Enhance our partnerships to generate joint sustainable solutions and improve our value chain efficiency.
- Transition to new services which contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy while enhancing customer loyalty.
- Strengthen our data management and sharing culture.
- Improve shares of flyable products to strengthen added value.
- Serve low impact economy emerging markets: Socoboost* will be one of new initiatives that will support it.
that preserve health and planet while ensuring high performance.
- Run a 360° eco-conception of our products including all stakeholders.
- Implement an ambitious and sustainable packaging roadmap.
- All new product developments will be challenged towards a non CMR2 substances content (sales without CMR > 90%).
- Reduce our carbon footprint (scope 1-2) by 50%.
- Maximize local production3 on the same continent as end users.
- Align our value chain with our impact reduction goal.
- Create tools to assess the environmental impacts of our investments.
Reinforce the condition for human and professional accomplishment.
- Engage our teams and ensure health and well-being conditions.
- Ensure sustainable employability and support individual professional project accomplishment.
- Build a resilient organization to secure long term skills and leadership.
- Reinforce diversity and inclusion.
Enable employees to participate in the direction of the group.
- Create conditions for an active participation of motivated employees.
- Guarantee employee’s and BU’s representativity in our governance bodies.
Share the added value created to contribute to the wealth of our employees, shareholders, communities, and territories.
- Share the value created with employees.
- Share the value created with other parties.
- Support and promote employees’ involvement in communities.

Our Raison d'être

Together, we create innovative chemistry
to protect and preserve our world

the expression of the collective, the group that gives strength to act and go further. This implies collaboration, co-development and synergies between customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and partners.

Create innovative chemistry
our expertise lies in chemistry and we rely on the questioning and the innovation, that are part of our DNA, to achieve this.

Protecting and sustaining our world
the chemistry we create protects and preserves the technical applications of our customers, but it also protects and preserves the people who use it and the environment in which they live.
Our vision
The aerospace market will continue to experience a strong activity in the mid to long term.
Facing environmental challenges, all our markets will evolve in an unknown timeline and in non linear way.
As a chemist we will be at the forefront of carbon footprint reduction and health challenges.
Our mission
Provide specialty chemicals significantly reducing impact on
environment and health.
Our ambition
- Keep serving our specialty chemicals markets and providing aerospace with more flyable products.
- Serve low impact markets*.
- Build together the trajectory that will enable us to transform ourselves, our products and processes to support our business and ecosystem, addressing environmental and health challenges.
*Markets producing energy from non-fossil sources or utilizing non-fossil energy, as well as
those serving the recycling economy, or water resource conservation.
Our product lines
Our corporate values
Worldwide proximity
Socomore is developing globally and is equipped with the tools - factories and global supply chain - to accomplish this goal. However, our teams are local, connected, and close to our customers (same language and culture, listening to them, understanding their technical needs).
We know how to be proactive, and are constantly adapting to the fluctuating constraints of our environment. Change is "normal", and we must be able to anticipate and address it.
Humbly enthusiastic
We are enthusiastic, willing, and know-how to remain humble in all circumstances. This encourages the trust and respect of our customers and partners and contributes to our collective successes.
Our laboratories and the in-depth scientific expertise of our researchers in material physics, mineral chemistry, organic chemistry, and electrochemistry are the cornerstones of our product development strategy.
We offer our customers solutions whose environmental performance takes into account all regulatory developments in Health and Safety (HSE), including the European REACH regulation on the use of chemicals, and directives related to VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions. Our research protocols aim to reduce VOC emissions and replace hexavalent chromium and other CMR (Carcinogenic Mutagenic Reprotoxic) substances with new generations of products. These projects are supported by European agencies responsible for assisting innovative companies.
Our world presence
Our worlwide locations and partnerships,
together with the responsiveness of our teams,
allows us to be close to our customers and respond to their needs.